Document Requirements for Alberta Immigration

Alberta Immigration Document Requires valid passports, work permit, language proficiency, ECA, LMIA, job offer, pay statements etc.
Document Requirements for Alberta Immigration

Alberta Advantage Immigration Program is formerly called AINP ( Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program) in which an economic immigration program nominates people for Permanent Residence in Alberta. Nominees require skills to fill up the job shortages or planning to buy or start a new business in Alberta. In AAIP Immigration there are 7 streams for skilled worker and entrepreneur, each of the streams have their own Alberta PNP document checklist for candidates and their dependents.

Alberta Immigration Required Document Checklist For AAIP Alberta opportunity Stream

AAIP Alberta Opportunity stream is for Foreign skilled workers who are previously working full time in Alberta and given a full time job offer by an Alberta employer in an eligible occupation. AAIP Alberta Opportunity Stream applicants must have a positive LMIA ( Labor Market Impact Assessment) exemption work permit and meet the required eligibility criteria. The table below refers the Documents Requirements of AAIP Alberta Opportunity Stream:

AAIP Alberta Opportunity Stream Required documents for Alberta Immigration

Valid PassportCandidates have to upload the personal information pages or pages where require your expiry and renewal date of the passport
Work PermitCandidates have to upload the current Alberta work permit, make sure it meets the work permit standard.

And candidates have to upload past Canadian work permits also if they have any.

Language ProficiencyCandidates only attach the single language assessment results documents whether it is (CELPIP), (IELTS), (TEF Canada) or (TCF Canada).

Make sure you touch the minimum requirement.

Labour Market Impact Assessment or Evidence of ExemptionCandidates have to Upload all their LMIAs from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).
Educational credential assessment and Educational Credential Documents In ECD, candidates have to upload the for secondary and post-secondary degrees, diplomas and certificates from both Canada and outside of Canada.

In ECA candidates must upload an educational credential assessment report for Alberta immigration purposes for the highest level of education from a designated organization. 

Pay statements Candidates must upload their earnings statements for a particular time period of 3 months and demonstrate that the applicant is currently employed in Alberta and meeting designated requirements.
Job offer or Employment LetterCandidates have to upload their Alberta job offer or employment contract for their current job. The letter includes the duration of employment, salary, working conditions, job duties, employer contact information etc. 
Employment Reference LetterCandidates have to upload a reference letter mentioning qualifying full-time work experience in the current occupation either 12 months in Alberta or 24 months.

Documents checklist Required For Dependents

Alberta Immigration Program Dependant Authorization FormCandidate’s spouses, common-law partner and dependents’ age should be 18 or above and form should be signed and dated well. 
AAIP Use of Representative FormThe form should be properly signed and dated 

Alberta Immigration Required Document Checklist For AAIP Alberta Express Entry Stream

AAIP Alberta Express Entry Streams are for those who have an express entry profile or may be invited by AAIP to Apply for Nomination certificate for Permanent Residence. AAIP Alberta Express Entry only allows Albera to nominate a Limited number of Qualified candidates from IRCC (Immigration, refugees and Citizenship canada). In AAIP express entry stream there are 2 sub streams called General Express Entry stream and Accelerated Tech Pathway. 

AAIP Alberta Express Entry Stream Required documents for Alberta Immigration

Valid passportCandidates have to upload the only personal information page showing expiry date and renewal date.
Work permitsCandidates have to upload all past Canadian work permits if they have any.
Language assessmentMake sure candidates do not include language assessments for other family members.
Candidates only attach the single language assessment results documents whether it is (CELPIP), (IELTS), (TEF Canada) or (TCF Canada). Make sure you touch the minimum requirement
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)In ECA candidates must upload an educational credential assessment report for Alberta immigration purposes for the highest level of education from a designated organization.
Education QualificationCandidates and spouse/common-law partner  do not include educational documents for dependants.
Candidates and spouse/common-law partner should upload all your degrees, diplomas and certificates either from Canada and outside of Canada.
AIT recognizes trade certificateIf you are in trade occupation then upload AIT recognized trade certificate
licensing, registration and certificateCandidates have to submit all licenses, registration and certification documents required to work in any occupation in alberta.
Alberta job offer or Employment contractApplicants have to upload their Alberta job offer or employment contract for their current job. Letter includes duration of employment, salary, working conditions, job duties, employer contact information etc. 
Employment reference letterCandidate must upload the reference letter for current employment and your previous employment either from canada or outside the canada

Additional documents for General AAIP Alberta Express Entry Stream

Documents Requirements 
Alberta Relatives (If Applicable) Candidates have to submit the legal documents proving the family relationship between you and your Alberta relatives.

  • Submit Alberta relatives canadian permanent residence or citizenship
  • Submit Alberta relatives residency in Alberta

Additional documents for Alberta Accelerated Pathways

Documents Requirements 
Alberta Employer informationCandidates have to submit the Alberta employer that includes the primary production or services offered by the company.

Documents checklist Required For Dependents

Alberta Immigration Program Dependant Authorization FormCandidate’s spouses, common-law partner and dependents’ age should be 18 or above and form should be signed and dated well. 
AAIP Use of Representative FormThe form should be properly signed and dated 

Alberta Immigration Required Document Checklist For AAIP Rural Renewal Stream

AAIP Rural Renewal Stream requires qualified applicants who have a job offer to work in a rural Alberta Community to Apply for the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program. This stream is all about supporting the attraction and retention of newcomers to Rural Alberta through a Designated Community Approach that Supports local economic development needs and gives their contribution to the growth of community.

AAIP Rural Renewal Stream Required documents for Alberta Immigration

Documents Requirements
Valid PassportCandidates have to upload the personal information pages or pages where require your expiry and renewal date of the passport
Work PermitCandidates have to upload the current Alberta work permit, make sure it meets the work permit standard.
And candidates have to upload past Canadian work permits also if they have any.
Language ProficiencyCandidates only attach the single language assessment results documents whether it is (CELPIP), (IELTS), (TEF Canada) or (TCF Canada).
Make sure you touch the minimum requirement.
Labour Market Impact Assessment or Evidence of ExemptionCandidates have to Upload all their LMIAs from Employment and social Development Canada (ESDC).
Educational credential assessment and Educational Credential Documents In ECD, candidates have to upload the secondary and post secondary degrees, diplomas and certificates from both Canada and outside of Canada.
In ECA candidates must upload an educational credential assessment report for Alberta immigration purposes for the highest level of education from a designated organization. 
Endorsement of candidate letterCandidates have to submit the endorsement of a candidate letter provided by the economic development organization in your designated community.

  • Letter must indicate the point how you meet the Alberta Immigration and community specific criteria.
  • Candidates must also include the employment information and identity.
Settlement fundsCandidates have to submit the statement of fund to prove that they have sufficient funds to settle in your new community. 
Job offer and employment contractCandidates have to upload their Alberta job offer or employment contract for their current job. Letter includes duration of employment, salary, working conditions, job duties, employer contact information etc. 
Employment Reference LetterCandidates have to upload a reference letter mentioning qualifying full time work experience in the current occupation either 12 months in Alberta or 24 months.
Alberta Immigration Required Document Checklist For AAIP Rural Entrepreneur stream, Graduate Entrepreneur stream and Foreign Graduate Entrepreneur stream

The document requirements of AAIP Rural, Graduate and foreign Graduate Entrepreneur streams are the same.

AAIP Rural Entrepreneur stream, Graduate Entrepreneur stream and Foreign graduate Entrepreneur stream Required documents for Alberta Immigration

Documents Requirements
Valid PassportCandidates have to upload the personal information pages or pages where require your expiry and renewal date of the passport
Work PermitCandidates have to upload the current Canadian work permit, make sure it meets the work permit standard. 

Submit your Canadian work experience as you mentioned in your EOI (expression of Interest).

Language ProficiencyCandidates only attach the single language assessment results documents whether it is (CELPIP), (IELTS), (TEF Canada) or (TCF Canada). 

Mention your spouse/common-law partner’s language assessment, if you mentioned it in your EOI.

Make sure you touch the minimum requirement.

Education Candidates have to submit all the degrees, diplomas. 

Submit the highest level of post secondary education if you claimed your spouse/common-law partners education in your EOI.

Candidates should include the copy of your ECA for each education credential done outside the canada. For spouse /common-law also if you mentioned in EOI. 

AIT recognizes trade certificateIf you are in trade occupation then upload AIT recognized trade certificate
licensing, registration and certificateCandidates have to submit all licenses, registration and certification documents required to work in any occupation in alberta.
Alberta Relatives (If Applicable) Candidates have to submit the legal documents proving the family relationship between you and your Alberta relatives.

  • Submit Alberta relatives canadian permanent residence or citizenship
  • Submit Alberta relatives residency in Alberta
Explanatory Visit ReportCandidates must upload an explanatory visit report.
Qualified Service ProviderCandidates have to upload their qualified service provider report and include the net worth and business investment assessment. 
Business planSubmit the business plan report approved by a Qualified service provider.
Business plan evaluation reportSubmit your business plan evaluation report approved by qualified service provider 
Work experienceCandidates must upload the reference letter for their business owner-manager, senior manager or in canada work experience from your current and previous employer within the past 10 years.

Submit an income certificate signed by an authorized person or pay statements fpr last 6 months.

Alberta Immigration Required Document Checklist For AAIP Farm stream.

AAIP Farm Stream requires experienced farmers who want to buy or start a farm in Alberta Community can Apply for Permanent Residence through Alberta Immigration.

AAIP Farm Stream Required documents for Alberta Immigration

Application feesApplicants include their copy of online payment fees receipt 
Farm 004Applicants must complete the farm application.
Make sure your signature will be the original on Alberta immigration form.
Valid passportsSubmit the personal information page and the expiry date or renewal date of the passport.
EducationFor complete eligibility assessment, submit the degree, diploma, certificate, licenses and any other supporting documents.
Reference letterSubmit the work related previous employment reference letter. Make sure it must be signed by the employer.
Personal net worthSubmit a statement showing you have a minimum networth of $500,000 in unencumbered Canadian funds.
Proposed business planCandidate have to submit the proposed business plan’s copy
Canadian financial institution endorsementSubmit the proof that a Canadian financial institution is too willing to finance your proposed farming business.

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Hansika Bari

Hansika Bari

Articles: 56

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