Consecutive Express Entry draw issues 3,600 invitations to new candidates to apply for permanent residency

The Express Entry draw which took place on August 20, issued another 3,600 Invitations to Apply (ITA) in canada
Consecutive Express Entry draw issues 3,600 invitations to new candidates to apply for permanent residency

The Express Entry draw which took place on August 20, issued another 3,600 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to new candidates with the minimum cut-off score of 457. Applicants with ranking scores of 457 or above qualify to apply for Canadian permanent residence.

The Express Entry system is one of the main source of skilled foreign workers, though which qualifying candidates are entered in the Express Entry pool and are issued a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. The final CRS score is determined on factors such as age, educational qualifications, work experience, adaptability, and language proficiency of the candidate.

The latest draws on Tuesday recorded the lowest CRS cut-off score since May 1. Currently there are 3 distinct sub-streams in the Express Entry stream which the candidates can have access to. In order to be qualify to enter the pool, candidates must meet certain eligibility criterion and prerequisites. The 3 sub-streams are:

With the 3,600 ITAs issued on August 20, the draws in the year 2019, have brought the total number of ITAs to be issued to 56,200. The IRCC has consistently been issuing 3,600 ITAs in each of its draws since July 10. The expansion of draw sizes is targets to exceed its record of 89,800 ITAs issued in the year 2018.

The Express Entry draws are typically held in every two weeks, as the elongated time duration allows the pool to fill in with higher-scoring candidates. The last draw that was held with fewer than eight days apart was in January 2019. The comparatively lower cut-off score in the latest draw, may justify the short amount of time in the draws.

Talent Connected Worldwide

Talent Connected Worldwide

At Talent Connected Worldwide Pvt. Ltd., we are passionate about unlocking your potential on a global scale. As your trusted immigration partner, we guide individuals and businesses through the complexities of navigating international pathways, connecting you with the opportunities and destinations that match your aspirations. With expertise in diverse visa categories, comprehensive support, and a client-centric approach, we empower you to write your next chapter – wherever your dreams may lead. Contact us today and let's embark on your journey together.

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