264 Express Entry Draw: First Transportation Occupations Draw


The 264 Express Entry draw was conducted by IRCC on 20 September, 2023. This is the first round of category based selection draws for workers in the transport occupations. The number invitations sent are 1,000 and the CRS cut-off is 435.

#264 Express Entry Draw

Date: 20 September, 2023

Invitations to Apply: 1,000

CRS cut-off: 435

Draw Type: Transport Occupations

264 Express Entry draw for transport occupations was held on 20 Sept, 2023. Total invitations sent are 1,000 and the CRS cut-off is 435 .

The latest draw is for workers in the transport occupations. So, if you are a transport truck driver, engineer officer, flying instructor, railway traffic controller, or belong to any other eligible occupation, you may have a chance to apply for permanent residence. 

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Eligible Transport Occupations

Occupations eligible (with NOC codes) for this draw were: 

  • Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors- 93200
  • Transport truck drivers- 73300
  • Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators- 72604
  • Engineer officers, water transport- 72603
  • Deck officers, water transport- 72602
  • Air traffic controllers and related occupations- 72601
  • Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors- 72600
  • Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors- 72404
  • Railway carmen/women- 72403
  • Managers in transportation- 70020

Read This: Steps to Apply for Co-Op Work Permit

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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