IRCC announced New Francophone Immigration Support Program

On 16th January 2024, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship announced several initiatives. Marc Miller announced these initiatives to support French-speaking newcomers outside of Quebec. Let’s see what these are about below. 

Marc Miller announces new Francophone Immigration Support Program

The new Francophone Immigration Support Program that was announced recently will promote and support Francophone immigration. The smaller French-speaking communities of Canada will benefit from this program. 

The program aims to promote and recruit Francophone immigrants to deal with labor shortages. Its objective is to eliminate hurdles to promote Francophone immigration. 

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Other Initiatives

Along with the announcement of the Francophone Immigration Support Program, Marc Miller also announced the renewal as well as expansion of the Welcoming Francophones Communities initiatives. 

Through the expansion of that initiative, 14 communities in Canada will receive funding, just as they did before. This funding will help support Francophone newcomers to integrate into those communities. 

Canada Promoting Francophone Immigration

The government of Canada has been progressively promoting Francophone immigration through various measures. One such initiative was the introduction of Category-based Express Entry draws and the inclusion of French proficiency as one of the selection criteria. 

To increase the immigrant population of Francophones in Canada, even outside of Quebec, IRCC announced new measures and expanded some old ones. 

Canada is a bilingual country and its official languages are English and French. It is only natural that the country is looking to promote its heritage and traditions through different measures. 

Quebec gives the most importance to Francophone immigration to protect the traditions and culture of the province. Moreover, it is the government’s responsibility to give equal importance to both English and French speakers. 

So, to maintain the equality of status of both English and French speakers, as well as support minority linguistic communities, such initiatives are announced. 

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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