More Jobs for Youth as Canada & South Korea Sign Deal

More Jobs for Youth as Canada & South Korea Sign Deal

The Canada-South Korea Youth Mobility Agreement, signed on 23rd May, 2023, by Ali Ehsassi, on behalf of Sean Fraser. Ali Ehsassi is a Member of Parliament for Willowdale, and he signed the deal on behalf of Sean Fraser. 

This deal will provide a better way for young people to apply for work opportunities from both countries in each other’s countries. Hence, Canadian youths would be easily able to find employment in South Korea as South Korean youths in Canada. 

They can use the International Experience Canada (IEC) immigration program or its South Korean equivalent. The deal is really beneficial for youths as finding a job abroad is going to be easy for them. 

Let’s dig deeper into this. 

What’s the Deal About?

If we talk about the population of South Koreans in Canada, which is quite considerable, we come to understand how many South Koreans would benefit from this deal. There will not be just opportunities for work but also travel, like if they want to go on a vacation. 

On top of that, this deal will strengthen the relations between the two countries. The diplomatic relations have been between these two countries for the past 60 years, and both the countries intend on keeping this bond.  

The new deal is actually based on the existing memorandum of understanding created in 1995. Below are the new features:-

  • In the existing Working Holiday Category, two new streams will be added- the International Co-op (Internship) stream, and the Young Professionals stream. 
  • The previous eligibility age according to the Youth Mobility Agreement was 18-30, but now it’s 18-35. 
  • Most of the youth would be able to participate twice, up to 24 months each time, in this program.

This new arrangement is set to be implemented starting next year in 2024. The agreement is made in hopes to amplifying access to the job market of both countries for youths of both sides. Moreover, the countries are aiming for easier travel as well as searching job opportunities. 

How Will IEC help?

IEC or the International Experience Canada is a program that allows youths to work internationally. The Youth Mobility Agreement is signed between Canada and 36 countries along with some foreign countries. This agreement allows Canadian youths and international youths of countries that signed the deal to easily work and travel in each other’s countries. 

In this news we came to know that Canadian youths would be able to work in South Korea because of the IEC. Similarly, Canadian youths would be able to work in other countries too if that country has signed the agreement.

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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