OINP Latest Canada Draw: Canada Invites 622 to Immigrate to Canada

OINP Latest Canada Draw Canada Invites 622 to Immigrate to Canada

On 24th January 2023. The OINP latest Canada Draw 2023 was held and issued 622 Invitations to the candidates with minimum score between 82 and above are invited in this Draw. This latest Canada draw was held under 2 streams, where 2 invitations were issued for international graduate streams and 620 ITAs were issued for foreign worker streams. Eligible Applicants may submit their applications for Canada PR within 14 Days after Receiving the ITAs. Right now the Government releases bumper job openings in Canada, candidates who want to immigrate to Canada can apply for it.

Pointers of OINP Draw :

  • Ontario held PNP draw on 24th January
  • Total 622 candidates were invited in this Latest Canada Draw
  • 2 ITAs were issued for foreign worker stream
  • 620 invitations were issued for international graduate stream
  • Minimum score for international graduate stream is 82 and above

OINP Draw of 2023 under 2 streams

S No. Date of Draw NO. of ITAs issued Score Range  Stream
1 24th Jan 2023 620 82 and above International graduate stream
2 NA Foreign worker stream

What are the Requirements of Ontario Skilled Trades Stream

To get Qualified in the next Draw, candidates must have:

  • Register application under the Federal Express Entry System
  • Minimum 1 year of full time equivalent work experience under particular NOC occupations
  • Minimum CLB level 5 or more to get into the next Draw.
  • Candidates have an intention to reside in the Province of Ontario.
Previous OINP Draw of 2023
S No. Date of Draw No. of ITAs issued Score Range Pathways


13th January 2023


336 and 506

Skilled Trades Stream


10th January 2023


35 and above

Skilled Trades Occupations



Economic Mobility Pathways Project

In the previous draw of OINP on 13th January under one stream, 1252 candidates got an invitation to apply under the skilled trades stream. The minimum score was 336 and 506 for OINP’s latest Canada draw.

Read more about the First Ever OINP Draw was held On 10th January 2023.

Hansika Bari

Hansika Bari

Articles: 56

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