2174 NOC Code

2174 NOC Code- Updated NOC Codes and Their New Job Titles

2174 NOC Code used to be for Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers according to the 2016 NOC version. However, the new NOC code version (2021) split the previous code into three separate codes, which are 21230 NOC Code, 21232 NOC Code, and 21234 NOC Code. 

This blog will serve as a complete guide for you to understand which jobs are under these new NOC codes, their work duties, their qualification requirements, and everything else. If you also qualify for these jobs, you might want to apply for a Canadian work visa so you could fly to Canada and get to work there. Looking at the labor shortages in the country, it can be analyzed that securing a job in Canada currently should be comparatively easier. Well, who knows, maybe your luck shines and you do secure a nice paying job for yourself! 

Do Read: 6221 NOC Code

2174 NOC Code: Transition to New NOC Codes

2174 NOC Code: Transition to New NOC Codes

So the first thing to keep in mind is that there are 3 different NOC codes to deal with. And we will mention information regarding all three of them. 

Let’s take a look at them below one by one. 

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21230 NOC Code- Computer Systems Developers & Programmers 

Job Description 

The job of a computer systems developer and programmer is to write, integrate, modify, and then test computer codes. These codes are used in the data processing applications, software applications, operating systems-level software as well as communication softwares. 

Computer software development firms, information technology units, and information technology consulting firms in both private and public sectors hire computer software developers and programmers. 

Job Titles 

Computer Programmer21234- Web developers and programmers 
Detail Programmer21233- Web designers
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Applications Programmer21231- Software engineers and designers
Mainframe Systems Programmer22222- Information systems testing technicians
Operating Systems Programmer21222- Information systems specialists
Programmer Analyst10022- Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
Satellite Scientific Telecommunications Programmer21223- Database analysts and data administrators
Scientific Programmer22220- Computer network and web technicians
Systems Programmer

Main Job Duties

  • Since the job profile basically consists of coders, they have to write, modify, integrate and test software codes. 
  • Regarding the status of the software, its maintenance and operation, they have to make reports, documentations, and manuals. 
  • They make necessary modifications and maintain the existing computer systems. 
  • Computer system developers and programmers assist when logical and physical specifications are in the development. 
  • Moreover, they help in the collection as well as documentation of what the users require. 
  • They may research and look over software products. 
  • Regarding the issues and its identification in the technical things, its process and solutions, they have to do it. 
  • Teams made of other computer programmers may be led by them. 

Job Requirements of 21230 NOC Code

  • Computer systems developers and programmers need to have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, computer engineering, or some related field as long as it is related to programming. 
  • They should have specialized knowledge in the field of scientific and engineering applications. 

21232 NOC Code- Software Developers & Programmers

Job Description

Software developers and programmers have an array of job roles to perform such as designing, writing, and testing codes. And then these codes are used to make softwares and systems efficient. In order to make things effective, they have to create foundations for operative systems and then run diagnostic programs. 

Computer software, computer and video game development firms, information technology units, and information technology consulting firms, hire software developers and programmers. Moreover, they are hired in both the private sector and public sector. 

Job Titles 

Animation Programmer21231- Software engineers and designers
Application Programmer22220- Computer network and web technicians
Artificial Intelligence Programmer21230- Computer systems developers and programmers
Cloud Developer21223- Database analysts and data administrators
Computer Application Programmer10022- Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
Computer Game Developer52120- Graphic designers and illustrators
Computer Game Programmer21222- Information systems specialists
Electronic Business (E-Business) Software Developer22222- Information systems testing technicians
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) Software Developer21233- Web designers
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Designer21234- Web developers and programmers
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Developer
Graphics Programmer
Interactive Media Developer
Interactive Media Programmer
Mobile Applications Developer
Multimedia Developer
Multimedia Programmer
Software Developer
Software Development Programmer
Software Development Project Manager
Software Programmer
Special Effects Programmer
Teleprocessing Software Programmer

Main Job Duties

  • As mentioned before, they design codes for new software. The task is not just designing, but also writing, reading, testing, and then correcting codes. 
  • These software codes are also for Internet, e-commerce, and mobile applications. 
  • Software developers and programmers analyze information also that they can recommend and plan how to install new systems or modify the earlier ones. 
  • For updated as well as new software, they need to write documentation. 
  • On the predefined specifications for video games, mobile applications, Internet, software developers come up with program animation software. 
  • They maintain, develop, implement, and also modify gameplay features that are used to integrate effectively the existing softwares. 

Job Requirements of 21232 NOC Code

  • Software developers and programmers should have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering or computer science or in a similar field. 
  • They need work experience as a computer programmer. 

21234 NOC Code- Web Developers & Programmers

Job Description

Web developers and programmers are the ones that use programming languages so that they can create, design and then modify websites. They take help from what the users’ need so that they can implement content, graphics, performance, and website capacity. Sometimes their work also consists of integrating websites with computer applications. 

Computer software development firms, information technology units, and information technology consulting firms hire them. Jobs are available to them in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, travel agencies also hire them. Or they may be self-employed too. 

Job Titles 

Back-end Web Developer22220- Computer network and web technicians
Corporate Webmaster10022- Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
Electronic Business (E-Business) Website Developer21222- Information systems specialists
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) Website Developer22222- Information systems testing technicians
Front-end Web Developer21311- Computer engineers
Full Stack Web Developer21232- Software developers and programmers
Internet Site Developer21233- Web designers
Intranet Site Developer
Web Application Developer
Web Developer
Web Integrator
Web Manager
Web Programmer
Website Developer

Main Job Duties 

  • Web developers and programmers write, design, test, integrate, and modify website related codes as well as web applications interfaces. 
  • They develop and implement procedures which are necessary for ongoing website revision. 
  • They may help in website architecture and design along with designers or clients. 
  • Web developers and programmers have to conduct tests and analyze data so that they can monitor security, quality, user interface experiences and identify any area(s) of improvement. 
  • They may research and evaluate interactive media software products. 
  • Also, they may have to maintain and monitor the website’s functions. 

Job Requirements of 21234 NOC Code

  • What do they need? Well, they should have a bachelors’ degree in computer programming, computer science, web development, or software engineering. 
  • They should have some experience as a computer programmer. 

Read Next: 2172 NOC Code

What is the annual salary of 21230 NOC code?

In an average year, a computer system developer and programmer (NOC Code 21230) may earn around $68,000 in Canada. 

How much does a job under 21232 NOC code pay?

A software developer and programmer (21232 NOC code) can no doubt earn around $91,000 on a yearly basis in Canada.

What is the hourly wage of a job under 21234 NOC code? 

On an average, a web developer and programmer may earn $30 on an hourly basis. 

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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