The Express Entry draws CRS score cut-offs of 2023 were on a much higher pedestal than the usual cut-off scores. It has made us all ask one question: what does the future of CRS cut-off look like? Will the CRS cut-off continue to rise just like it did in the last year or will there be any relief for low-scoring candidates in 2024?
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Predicting the CRS cut-off scores for 2024
Upon analyzing last year’s Express Entry draws where the CRS cut-off even went up as far as 791 in one case, we conclude that the scores may rise in 2024. The highest CRS cut-off requirement of this year had been 731, for a PNP-specific draw. This certainly promises that CRS requirement might keep on going higher.
With the introduction of Category-based Express Entry draws back in 2023, the need for workers in specific occupations has increased. Through the category-based draws, Canada’s particular industries that are in shortage of workers, get to heave a sigh of relief as targeted workers get a chance to immigrate.
Since more workers are being targeted through category-based selection, the CRS scores for such occupations have dropped. On the other hand, when the general draws of Express Entry are held, the CRS cut-off requirements rise. This is because the job market of Canada, in particular sectors, is facing a lot of burden at the moment.
Some sectors such as the housing industry and the healthcare industry of Canada are in need of hiring more professionals to deal with the ongoing demand of workers.
Now, if you take a look at the general draw type of Express Entry, it invites candidates if they meet the requirements of the round. These candidates could be from the Federal Skilled Worker program, the Federal Skilled Trades program, or the Canadian Experience Class.
Will CRS go Up or Down in 2024?
The CRS score might go up for general Express Entry draws in 2024. It is because the pool of eligible candidates expands and thus, the CRS score has to be competitive enough to only select the necessary number of immigrants.
How Will Changes in Canada’s Immigration Policies Impact CRS Scores?
IRCC frequently updates its policies to meet Canada’s economic and demographic needs. These policy shifts directly influence CRS scores. For example, when IRCC introduces new programs or modifies existing ones, the score thresholds can change. The introduction of more category-based draws could also significantly impact your chances of receiving an invitation.
Will New Pathways and Occupation-Specific Draws Affect Future CRS Scores?
Yes! Canada’s recent introduction of targeted draws, like occupation-specific and French-speaking categories, has already started to change the landscape. These draws could lower the CRS cutoff for applicants in high-demand professions, giving them a better chance even if their overall score isn’t high.
Overall CRS Trends
CRS scores may fluctuate depending on the type of draw and targeted groups. Niche draws like French language proficiency may see lower scores, while draws for popular streams like CEC and PNP will likely maintain higher cut-offs.
Key Factors Influencing CRS
The ongoing economic needs of Canada changes in immigration policies, and the specific labor market demands will all play a role in determining future CRS trends. Additionally, the introduction of new pathways or targeted draws (e.g., occupation-specific draws) could introduce more variability in the CRS scores throughout the year.
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