Know This Before You Move to Prince Edward Island!

Prince Edward Island (PEI) is one of the most beautiful provinces of Canada. It’s a nice island secluded in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, famous for its seafood and serene lifestyle which is quite hard to find in today’s world. Since the province is the least populated province in Canada, the crime rate is also quite low which is one of the reasons why newcomers favor moving to Prince Edward Island. Now, there are a few things that you should know before you even think of moving to the province. 

Factors to consider when planning on immigrating to PEI

Some important factors that you need to consider before you move to Canada’s PEI are:

  • Immigration Programs
  • Accommodation
  • Employment 
  • Education

Let’s discuss these factors one by one below. 

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Immigration Programs

Prince Edward Island offers a number of ways to immigrate to the province. You may either get a work permit or even obtain permanent residency. Some ways are:

  • PEI Express Entry
  • PEI Provincial Nominee Program
  • Atlantic Immigration Program

Through the Express Entry way, you can apply to get nominated by Prince Edward Island and then use the nomination to receive an ITA through an Express Entry draw. After that you can apply for permanent residency. 

Through the PEI Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), apply to get nominated by Prince Edward Island so you can become a permanent resident of the province. 

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) allows designated employers to hire international workers and international graduates so they can work in one of the Atlantic provinces of Canada. PEI is one of the Atlantic provinces of Canada. 

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    Prince Edward Island’s population is not much, which gives newcomers a significant advantage in finding the perfect accommodation according to their preferences. Moreover, the rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in one of the cities in Prince Edward Island is just about $1,000. 


    Currently, Prince Edward Island is in need of workers in the Healthcare sector, Tech industry, and Public Administration sector. So, if you have work experience in industries such as these and are interested in immigrating to PEI, this could be your time to shine. 


    Immigrating to Prince Edward Island comes with another advantage and this one is for your kids. If you are a parent worried about your child’s education after moving to another country, you don’t need to anymore. You may enroll your child in a public school and get them to study there for free until 12th grade. 

    There are other benefits of moving to Prince Edward Island as well. Want to know them? Give us a missed call!

    Don’t forget to fill out the form below for some insights and advice from our experts! 

    Niyati Chaurasia

    Niyati Chaurasia

    Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

    Articles: 784

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