Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has sent out invitations to sponsor parents and grandparents programs. Once a sponsor receives an invitation they can apply for Canada PR application.
What to do after receiving an ITA under Parents and Grandparents Program?
The next step to take after an Invitation to Apply under Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP) is to submit a complete application for Canada PR. This application should be submitted through the Permanent Residence Portal. Moreover, it is the principal applicant that submits the application. In case the main applicant, the parent or the grandparent, is unable to do so, an authorized representative can also submit the application on their behalf.
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But for this, the authorized representative must first sign into their Representative Residence Portal account to submit the application.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is set to accept the complete applications up until 22nd December, 2023, only. In case any application is submitted after 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time, 22 Dec, 2023, IRCC will accept it.
What’s the Minimum Necessary Income Requirement?
Before the date of the application, the one who sponsored must meet a Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) for about 3 consecutive tax years. IRCC will be assessing sponsors those who received invitations in 2023 on the basis of their income for tax years of 2022, 2021, as well as 2020.
Since, PGP is about sponsoring parents and grandparents financially, it is understandable that MNI plays a vital role in assessing sponsors.
Things to keep in mind when filling out PR Application:
When the sponsor receives an email for invitation to apply, they will also receive a barcode in the email. This barcode will match their application to their information that they put in their interest to sponsor.
Some things to keep in mind when filling out a Canada PR application are:
- Follow the instructions and steps clearly
- The information that you are going to fill out now needs to match the information that you put on your application back in 2020 in the Interest to Sponsor form.
- Pay fees online. Paying the application fee is an important step as IRCC does not start processing any application until fees are paid.
- Pay for the biometrics fee, if you have not given your biometrics before.
- Get your tax information from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA’s) My Account.
When you are submitting the PR application, make sure it is complete and no information is missing.
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