Canada Govt to Invest $350,000+ in New Brunswick Communities

Canada Govt to Invest $350,000+ in New Brunswick Communities

This investment of over $350,000 in New Brunswick communities will provide a higher quality of life to the local people. This New Brunswick news came as the Government of Canada announced that it is planning to make a huge investment for betterment of people. The investment will help with the asset management strategies of local communities of the province. 

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What’s the Investment about? 

The federal government is working towards the future of local people of New Brunswick. The Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, Dominic LeBlanc along with Acting President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Scott Pearce, declared this investment. 

According to the Honorable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities, “Our government is working with local partners to implement the training and information gathering needed to manage assets more effectively, which helps build stronger communities. With these investments, municipalities will be better equipped to properly maintain the infrastructure that supports New Brunswickers in their daily activities.” 

The investment is mainly about providing a higher standard of living to the people. This is possible when the local communities of New Brunswick make good asset management decisions and proper strategies. 

Strategizing about how to use assets to their maximum potential will, no doubt, help improve the living conditions of people. 

Asset management is about using the municipal infrastructure assets to their maximum potential. Examples of municipal infrastructure assets are drinking water, bridges, wastewater system, roads, arenas, etc.

How would the Investment Help? 

Now, if these assets are regularly maintained, they would be able to work on their maximum level and help the local people. However, if no one looks after these roads or the bridges, they are going to deteriorate before time and become a threat to people’s lives. 

See, if there is no investment for management strategies, how would the province be able to maintain the municipality assets? This is why this federal investment is necessary for a higher quality of life. 

This is what the Acting President, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Scott Pearce said, “From roads and bridges to buildings and wastewater systems, local governments own approximately 60% of the public infrastructure that supports our economy and our quality of life. That’s why it is so crucial to support them in building and maintaining strong asset management through initiatives like the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Municipal Asset Management Program. Funded by the Government of Canada, it helps communities in New Brunswick and across the country develop sound asset management practices and conduct data collection and analysis to improve their investment decisions.”

With better strategies for asset management, there would be fewer risks and the residents of New Brunswick would be much safer. 

Moreover, the infrastructure would be better for a longer period of time, their life expectancy would be longer. The infrastructure would be able to perform perfectly as they should for a longer period of time.

These are some of the investments:-

1. Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) will be investing $50,000 in the Town of Saint Andrews. This investment will be improving the standard of the records of the town. The records of the conditions of the roads, trails, and wharf along with their important data too. 

2. Another investment is for the Village of Saint-Antoine. This thing is, the Village will receive $50,000 so they could not just improve but also continue developing asset management plans. On top of that, the Village will be reviewing the risk assessments. Apart from this, the investment will help make a strategy so that they could manage their finances. There would be 5 as well as 10 year expenditure plans for not just future projects but also priority assets. 

3. An investment of $50,000 is received by the Village of New Maryland. Using this investment, the Village would be able to develop mobile applications so it could collect important information about infrastructure around the town.

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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