Latest Canada PNP Draws Updates: Why are there less PNP draws now?


Lately the Canada PNP draws have been acting up. If we go back a few months, we can clearly see that the draws were held consistently. For instance, if MPNP used to conduct weekly draws, it would hold draws every week. However, this has not been the case anymore. 

Even though according to the Canadian Immigration Levels Plan the provinces and territories have been continuously provided higher and higher allocation of candidates to nominate, the PNP draws have not been conducted as much as they should be. Moreover, the number of invites or notification of letters issued have also been on the downside lately. So, this means, along with conducting lesser draws, the provinces and territories of Canada are also nominating fewer candidates.

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If we want to further explore and understand this concept a bit more, we can take the example of Ontario. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program sent 26,504 notifications of interest in 2023, while in 2022, the number of NOIs issued was almost half of it. OINP was able to issue such a huge amount of NOI in 2023 by conducting 27 rounds of PNP draws. On the other hand, since the NOIs issued in 2022 weren’t that much, OINP held only 19 rounds of draw for it. 

Upon analyzing the number of ITAs issued in 2022 and the number of draws conducted for the same, we can conclude that a smaller number of ITAs were issued while the number of rounds of draws conducted were much higher than the NOIs sent. Take a look at the following tables to understand the data clearly. 

YearNOIs IssuedITAs Issued
YearNo. of NOI Round of DrawsNo. of ITA Round of Draws

So far, in 2024, OINP has only held 7 draws to issue NOIs and 16 for ITAs. However, since OINP has been allocated 21,500 nominations, the province might conduct a few more draws to invite a greater number of candidates.  For instance, in 2023, OINP sent 43,270 NOIs and ITAs altogether, even though it was only allotted 16,500 nominations. Hence, out of all the candidates invited, Ontario will only accept 21,500 overall nomination applications in 2024. 

Now, if we take a look at the last Prince Edward Island PNP draw, we can see that it sent out 0 invitations. Yes, that’s right, since PEI PNP has a fixed schedule of anticipated draws, the province had to hold a draw, but for some reason it chose not to send even a single invitation. Moreover, the number of ITAs PEI PNP issues has been going down as well. Now, what we can do is wait for the upcoming draws and see how they perform. 

Even if the frequency of PNP draws have lessened, there are still other ways to immigrate to Canada. One fine example would be of Express Entry. Contact us today to know how to move to Canada through Express Entry and increase your CRS score to get an ITA faster. 

Don’t forget to fill out the form below for some insights and advice from our experts! 

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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