SINP Job Approval Letter (JAL)


A Job Approval Letter is an approval letter given by the SINP to the Saskatchewan employer. This letter validates the Saskatchewan employer to hire an international worker and enables them to immigrate through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program.

Once the employer procures the SINP Job Approval Letter (JAL), they provide its copy to the employee and enables them to apply to the SINP pathways that mandate a JAL. A Job Approval Letter is valid for 6 months or 180 days from the date of approval by the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training (ICT). 

Eligibility Requirements for a Job Approval Letter (JAL)

Before applying for the SINP Job Approval Letter (JAL), the employer must ensure that:

  • The place of work is located within the geographical boundaries of Saskatchewan. Additionally, the location must be a commercial zone.
  • The job vacancy registered by the Saskatchewan employer must indicate an employer-employee relationship. The employer would not be eligible for the SINP Job Approval Letter for positions like independent contractors, temporary agency workers, business owners, etc. 
  • The employer must have an active Certificate of Registration with the SINP
  • The job designation must be eligible for SINP pathways.
  • Vacancy must be permanent (or for at least two years) and full-time (30 hours/week).
  • The job position must be for an employee who is already working.
  • The employer must be able to demonstrate that they are capable and can afford to hire the foreign worker for full-time employment.
  • Job Offer must pay a fair wage that is equal to the minimum pay for Canadians and Permanent Residents in Saskatchewan.
  • The job offered by the employer must clearly state the number of working hours and shifts per day.
  • Employer Offer must also state if the designation requires a professional license or certification.
  • The Saskatchewan employer will also be required to submit a Job Offer letter while applying for the SINP Job Approval Letter (JAL). This offer letter must include:
    • Company’s complete contact information such as name, phone number, email address, mailing address, etc.
    • Monthly Salary for the job
    • Designation of title, duties, and responsibilities
    • An indication that the job is permanent and full-time
    • Location of the job where the foreign worker will be working
    • The rate of overtime pay
    • Vacation entitlements

How to Apply for a SINP Job Approval Letter?

To apply for the SINP Job Approval Letter, a Saskatchewan employer must follow the steps listed below:

  • Create an account on SINP OASIS as an employer and apply for a Certificate of Registration (COR)
  • Submit a Job Approval Form (JAF) through the same OASIS account.
  • Submit a Job Approval Request to support a foreign worker for the SINP application
  • The JAL application will be assessed by the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training (ICT).
  • Upon approval, the ICT will issue the employer a generic Job Approval Letter (if the candidate is not specified), and a candidate-specific JAL if the worker is identified. The employer must provide a candidate-specific Job Approval Letter  (JAL) to the worker applying to the SINP for provincial nomination. 

Note: The processing time for SINP Job Approval is six weeks. 

SINP Pathways that Require SINP Job Approval Letter

You will require a copy of the Job Approval Letter from your employer if you are applying to any one of the following pathways under the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP).

If you are applying from outside Canada

If you are already working in Saskatchewan

The SINP Job Approval Letter functions as an official authorization for the Saskatchewan employer to hire an eligible international worker. It safeguards the interests of both the employer and the employee. The employer is considered valid and acceptable by the SINP only if they are able to provide the foreign worker with a Job Approval Letter.

Read More about Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

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At Talent Connected Worldwide Pvt. Ltd., we are passionate about unlocking your potential on a global scale. As your trusted immigration partner, we guide individuals and businesses through the complexities of navigating international pathways, connecting you with the opportunities and destinations that match your aspirations. With expertise in diverse visa categories, comprehensive support, and a client-centric approach, we empower you to write your next chapter – wherever your dreams may lead. Contact us today and let's embark on your journey together.

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