Differences Between PR and Citizenship in Canada

Individuals who are planning to settle in Canada must know the differences between PR and citizenship in Canada. If you think getting a Canada PR is the last immigration step then you are wrong. Because after getting a Canada PR you should apply for citizenship to get rights that you can not get as a PR card holder. 

What is Canada PR? 

A Canada PR is an individual who is immigrating to Canada through pathways introduced by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The pathways through which you can get Canada PR are stated below. 

  • Atlantic Immigration Program 
  • Provincial Nomination Program 
  • Express Entry 
  • Quebec Selected Skilled Workers 
  • Caregivers 
  • Start-Up Visa 
  • Family Sponsorship 
  • Permanent Residence Pathways for Hong Kong Residents 
  • Self-Employed 

On the other hand, Canadian citizenship is a legal status given by the Canadian Government to people. The following list includes when an individual can be known as a citizen of Canada. 

  • Born outside Canada but any one of their parents applied for citizenship or is born in Canada. 
  • An individual born in Canada. 
  • If you become a citizen through changes in the Citizenship Act. 

Not be called as a citizen of Canada if you are: 

  • Refugee claim has been accepted 
  • Marry a Canadian citizen 
  • Get adopted by a citizen 
  • Living as a PR holder for many years

Differences Between PR and Citizenship in Canada 

Permanent residency (PR) in Canada lets you live and work there indefinitely but doesn’t allow you to vote or get a Canadian passport. Citizenship gives you all these rights, including voting and a passport, and is usually permanent.

Both Canada PR and citizenship are the immigration statuses in Canada. The major differences between them are as follows. 

1. Rights and Benefits 

For Canada PR Holders 

As a permanent resident of Canada, below are the rights and benefits that PR holders can have.

  1. PR holders can get healthcare coverage in Canada 
  2. They can get the protection under the Canadian Law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (CCRF) 
  3. Candidates are free to work, live, and study anywhere in Canada.  
  4. If you have Canada PR, you will be eligible for Canadian Citizenship. 
  5. They can get a SIN (Social Insurance Number) 
  6. PR holders can get free education for Children. 

For Canadian Citizenship 

Candidates who have Canadian citizenship will have the following rights and benefits in Canada. 

  1. Free to live anywhere in Canada 
  2. Citizens of Canada are allowed to vote. 
  3. Candidates can have dual citizenship. 
  4. Citizens of Canada can apply for the Canadian Passport. 
  5. Can apply for Government jobs 

2. Responsibilities 

For Canada PR Holders

The responsibilities that every Canada PR holder should follow are stated below. 

  1. Renew the PR card before it expires. 
  2. Does not create any problems for Canadian citizens. 

For Canadian Citizenship 

The responsibilities of citizens of Canada are as follows. 

  1. Accept Canada Laws 
  2. Serve for the jury (when asked for) 
  3. Citizens of Canada should protect the heritage and environment of Canada. 
  4. Vote in the municipal, provincial and federal elections. 

3. Eligibility Requirements 

Canada PR Holders 

Before applying for the Canada PR, you should fulfill the following requirements. 

  1. You should be 18 years of age or above. 
  2. Candidates should apply for Canada PR with the help of immigration pathways. 
  3. Candidates should not have any criminal records and should prove that they are not a liability to Canada in any way such as health, economic, etc. 
  4. Proof of funds (Sufficient funds are required) 
  5. Biometrics is required 
  6. Immigration Medical Exam (IME) 

Canadian Citizenship 

Candidates who want to get Citizenship in Canada should meet up to the following requirements. 

  1. Should be a permanent resident of Canada. 
  2. Must have lived in Canada for at least 3 years out of the 5 years which should be 1,095 days. 
  3. Applicants should have paid their taxes if required to. 
  4. Passed the citizenship test 
  5. Prove their proficiency in languages in either English or French. 
  6. Take the vow of citizenship 

4. Processing Time 

Canada PR 

The processing time will vary depending on the immigration pathway you have chosen. Stated below are the approximate processing times. 

  1. Economic Immigration: In between 5 months to 14 months 
  2. Business Immigration Pathways: 37 months or 61 months 
  3. Family Sponsorship: In between 10 months to 48 months 
  4. Caregivers: 31 months or 34 months 

Canadian Citizenship 

The Canadian citizenship processing time for online applications is 14 months. 

5. Limitations 

Canada PR 

There are very few limitations to Canadian Permanent Residency. The PR holders are not allowed to:- 

  1. Cannot do jobs that require high-level security clearance. 
  2. Run and vote for any political office. 
  3. If found guilty of any crime, PR holders will get deported from Canada along with their families. 

Canadian Citizenship 

The limitations of the Canadian citizenship are:- 

  1. No matter where they live, they have to pay the taxes. 

Now, you know the differences between PR and citizenship in Canada. As a PR holder, you have to keep maintaining your permanent residency for a long period of time. Whereas, for citizenship, you do not have to maintain it. In case of getting Canadian citizenship, you need to become a permanent resident of Canada first. 

To get more information regarding Canada PR and Canadian citizenship. You can contact our immigration consultants directly. We have 15+ years of experience. And has a team of experts who will guide you with thorough knowledge along with the right information. 

About TCWW 

Talent Connected Worldwide is CICC-licensed and awarded as the best immigration company in India. And you can get various services from here, that are:- 

  • Free IELTS Training 
  • Best and Fastest way of getting Canada PR 
  • TCWW will explain the immigration process in an easy way. 
  • Provide you with a clear view of your eligibility. 
  • Verify the documents to get your application processed quickly
  • Keep you updated about the immigration updates. 
  • Make sure you get the highest scores in the PR points calculator (CRS points calculator) 

If you want to stay away from the fraud. You should choose TCWW Now!

How long Canada PR is valid? 

The validity of Canada PR is 5 years. Canada PR visa holders are allowed to work, live and study in Canada freely. 

What is the minimum IELTS band score required for Canada PR? 

The IELTS band score required for Canada PR is a minimum score of 6.0 but it may go up to 8.0 scores on the basis of the program and occupation. It is considered on the 4 skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening, overall score is calculated on these skills. 

What are the requirements to become a citizen of Canada? 

The requirements to become a citizen of Canada are:- 

  1. First, need to become a permanent resident of Canada. 
  2. Candidates must have lived in Canada for 3 years out of the 5 years. 
  3. Should have paid the taxes
  4. They should prove their language skills 
  5. Candidates must have passed a citizenship test 
  6. Take a vow of citizenship 

How much is the citizenship fee in Canada? 

The citizenship application fees in Canada are as follows: 

1. For adults that are 18 or above should pay a processing fee of CAD 530 and a right of citizenship fee of CAD 100: A total of CAD 630. 

2. For stateless adults 18 or above born to a Canadian parent should pay a citizenship fee of CAD 100. 

3. Minors under 18 should pay a processing fee of CAD 100 for citizenship of Canada. 

Is Canada PR worth it?

Permanent resident status, or PR, is a popular form of immigration status in Canada, particularly among Indians. This is because permanent resident status grants you numerous legal rights and abilities in Canada.

Which is better: PR or Canadian citizenship?

Aside from the capacity to vote in Canadian elections, the most significant distinction between a permanent resident and a citizen is that permanent residency must be maintained. You do not need to do anything to keep your Canadian citizenship once you have obtained it.

Is citizenship the same as PR?

Permanent residents are those who live lawfully in a country to work, whereas citizens are people who legally belong to the country and have a valid passport.

Kashish Arora

Kashish Arora

Kashish is a content writer at tc-ww.com . She has expertise in writing on the topics like Lifestyle, Education, Immigration and travel related topics.

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