No charge! In Ontario If deny a hospital under Long Term Care Law

No charge! In Ontario If deny a hospital under Long Term Care Law

According to Long Term Care Law, a hospital in Canada could move you to a different hospital that may even be a bit far away. And if anyone refused this decision, then they would have to pay a penalty of $400. However, times have changed in Ontario. The provincial government has said that any patient can deny being shifted to another hospital.

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Canada’s Long Term Care Law

As we know that Canada is a provider of free health care services to all its citizens, permanent residents, as well as immigrants. However, when things look too good, there’s always a catch. Here, the catch is that the government of Canada could shift you to any hospital of their liking if you are in need of long term care. This is to make sure that hospital beds are available for patients who need immediate care. 

Under Canada’s Long Term Care Law, if a patient refused to be moved to another care facility then they had to pay a certain amount of money as fine or charge. Why would a patient say no to a hospital? Because sometimes the hospitals were a bit too far away from the patients homes. This law also forced a few patients to visit nursing homes that they would not like to go to. Nevertheless, the provincial government of Ontario says otherwise.

Ontario says NO penalty for refusing a hospital

The provincial government of Ontario keeps its people in mind, and the needs of those people too. For the convenience of its people, the government of Ontario is saying that they do NOT need to pay any amount of fine or charge. This clearly means that people of Ontario have the liberty to say NO to being moved to any nursing home that they don’t consent to. 

Patients would have a say in which hospital they would receive healthcare. No hospital would be able to force a patient. If a patient is in need of long term care, they cannot be moved to another health facility without their consent. 

This change in the law is sure to provide relief to patients. At least now the patients would be able to make this important decision of whether they wish for a change in the hospital or not. Before this change, the patients felt even worse knowing that they had no say in this matter. But, they can release a huge sigh of relief because their consent matters!

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Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati Chaurasia

Niyati’s specialty lies in Canadian immigration matters along with crafting helpful, user-oriented content.

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