BC PNP Tech Pilot Program: British Columbia Tech Target Draws

BC PNP- Tech Pilot Program
  1. BC PNP Tech Pilot Program Origin Story
  2. BC PNP Tech Pilot Targeted Draw History
  3. BC PNP Tech Program Occupation List detail analysis
  4.  BC PNP Tech Pilot IELTS Requirements
  5. BC PNP Tech Pilot requirements and how to apply
  6. BC PNP Tech Pilot Draw Current Development
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

BC PNP Tech Pilot Program : Origin Story

The BC PNP Tech Pilot program was launched in May 2017 and was renamed BC PNP Tech in 2021. The very first tech draw was held on 10th May 2017 and was included in the general BC PNP draw. The aim of BC PNP Tech Pilot program was to help the Canadian province of British Columbia lure and retain international skilled labour force adept in technical skills. With British Columbia expanding its technical sector, the demand for engineers, managers in technical fields, technicians, and mechanics has been consistently on the rise. The BC PNP Tech Pilot Program helps British Columbia replenish its impoverished workforce and lucratively contribute to the tech sector and the provincial economy.

The key advantages of the BC PNP Tech Pilot program are

Immigrants who are employed in the listed tech occupation get exclusive tech targeted invitations (ITAs)

The tech pilot program has an exclusive team that helps the files process faster. Thus, the applicants enjoy shorter processing times.

Unlike other categories, applicants under the BC PNP Tech Pilot program are also eligible for definite job offers. They do not require an employment offer for undetermined period.

The tech program also offers support service for the tech employers in need of technical skilled immigrants. This facilitates the tech immigrants to be in contact with employers more efficiently.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Targeted Draws: History

The very first BC PNP Tech Pilot targeted draw was held on 10th May 2017. Since then, almost 96 tech draws have taken place.

Below is a comparative graph of the BC PNP Tech Pilot program draws for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. The British Columba Tech draws for the year 2022 are given in detail below the graph. The year 2019 issued around 1542 ITAs for tech occupations. The year 2020 issued 2168 ITAs, while the year 2021 invited 1904 immigrants through the BC PNP Tech Pilot targeted draws.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Targeted draws in 2022
Date Number of ITAS Category Minimum Bc Pnp Socre



Skilled workers International Graduates EEBC included




International Graduate (with EEBC)




International graduate (with EEBC)




 International Graduate (with EEBC)




International Graduate (with EEBC)




International Graduate (with EEBC)




International Graduate (with EEBC)




Skilled worker and International Graduate (with EEBC)




Skilled worker and International Graduate (with EEBC)




Skilled worker International Graduate With EEBC




Skilled worker International Graduate with EEBC




Skilled worker International Graduate with EEBC


BC PNP Tech Program Occupation List : Detail Analysis

The list of  tech occupations that are eligible for BC PNP Tech program are discussed in this section. There are 29 NOC codes included in the tech occupation list. For convenience they have been categorised under 5 groups.

Engineers and Technicians– NOCs 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2147 and 2173.

Technicians in Arts, Literature and Publishing– NOCs 5241, 5227, 5226, 0512, 5121, 5122, 5125, and 5225.

Technicians- NOCs 5224, 2221, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2281, 2282, and 2283.

Managers- NOCs 0131, 0213.

Programmers and Analysts and others: NOCs 6221, 2171, 2172, 2174 and 2175.

Job titles, academic details and employment prerequisites are mentioned below.

Engineers And Technicians

NOCs included: 2131, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2147, and 2173 are included in the BC PNP Tech Pilot program.
Occupations included: Eligible in-demand occupations for BC PNP Tech Pilot program are, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Electric Engineers, and Computer and Software Engineers. According to the NOC matrix, these occupations are from the field of natural and applied sciences. Their NOC skill level is a which implies a mandatory university education.

Occupations Designations Academic and Job prerequisites Job Descriptions and responsibilities

Civil Engineers
(NOC 2131)

  • Bridge Engineer
  • Construction Engineer
  • Environmental Engg.
  • Highway Engineer
  • Transportation Engineer etc.
  • A mandatory Bachelor’s degree
  • A master’s or a doctorate might be required in some cases.
  • License by a provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • LEED certification in some cases.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in the field after graduation, and
  • Clear a professional practice exam
  • Civil engineers plan and execute construction and repair of buildings, bridges, damns, roadways etc.
  • Carry out research and surveys regarding structures, buildings etc

Mechanical Engineers
(NOC 2132)

  • Nuclear Engineers
  • Marine Mechanical Engineers
  • HVAC engineers
  • Cryogenics engineers
  • Acoustics Engineers etc
  • Compulsory Bachelor’s with preference to Master’s and Doctorate.
  • License by a provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in the field after graduation, and
  • Clear a professional practice exam
  • They contribute to the research and development of the machinery that is crucial for heating, cooling, transporting, generating power. Etc
  • They also evaluate and maintain the mechanical systems.

Chemical Engineers
(NOC 2134)

  • BioChem and Biotech engineers
  • Explosives Engineer
  • Electrochemical Engineers
  • Polymer and plastic engineers
  • Pulp and paper, and chemical engineers
  • Petrochemical engineers
  • Fuel engineers
  • Research Chemical engineers
  • Industrial hygiene and waste treatment engineer, etc are included in the BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • Compulsory bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering
  • License by a provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in the field after graduation, and
  • Clear a professional practice exam.
  • They perform quality control of chemicals.
  • Supervise and regularise industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics.
  • Might specialise in industries such as petroleum refining, pulp and paper, food processing plants etc.

Electrical Engineers
(NOC 2133)

  • Electrical Distribution and planning engineer.
  • Chief electronics engineer
  • Digital circuit and design engineer
  • Electrical energy transmission and planning engineer
  • Electrical equipment and network engineer, etc are included in the BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • Compulsory bachelor’s in electrical engineering.
  • Licensure from a provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in the field after graduation, and
  • Clear a professional practice exam.
  • Conduct research in the performance, utility and practicality of electronic equipment and circuit.
  • Design and develop electrical circuits and equipment.
  • Supervise technicians
  • Oversee and inspect the installation of electronic systems.

Computer Engineers
(NOC 2147)

  • Hardware circuit board, design and development engineer.
  • Network architect, designer, engineer and specialist in computer systems and communication hardware.
  • Telecommunication hardware engineer and specialist,
  • Engineers in wireless communications network
  • Compulsory bachelor’s in computer engineering.
  • Preferred Master’s and Doctorate.
  • License from a valid provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in computer engineering after graduation,
  • Pass a professional practice exam.
  • Survey, research, create and design computer hardware, microprocessors, circuit boards etc.
  • Data communication engineers create architecture of communication system network
  • Computer engineers specialize in fibre optics, microprocessors, microwaves, lasers and radio astronomy.

Software Engineers and Designers
(NOC 2173

  • Artificial Intelligence designer
  • Cloud architect and administrator
  • Software architect, designer and engineer
  • Telecommunication software engineer and specialist.
  • Software designer and engineer, etc
  • Experience as a computer programmer.
  • Compulsory bachelor’s in Computer science, software engineering, or, mathematics.
  • License from a valid provincial P. Eng. Association.
  • 3-4 years of supervised work experience in computer engineering after graduation,
  • Pass a professional practice exam.
  • Software engineers and designers contribute in the development, design, and maintenance of software applications, telecommunication software, operating systems, etc.
  • People employed under this NOC also research and study the users’ requirements and develop applications and other software utilities accordingly.
  • They are also responsible for development, and updating mobile software applications.

Technicians In Arts, Literature And Publishing

NOCs included: 5241, 5227, 5226, 0512, 5121, 5122, 5125.
NOC Skill A– 0512, 5121, 5122 and 5125.
NOC skill B– 5241, 5227, and 5226.
Occupations included: Eligible occupations for BC PNP Tech Pilot program are Editors, Authors and Writers, Translators and interpreters, managers and employees in motion pictures, broadcasting, photography, and performing arts, graphic designers and illustrators.

Occupations Designations Academic and Job prerequisites Job Descriptions and responsibilities

Managers in publishing, motion pictures,
broadcasting and performing arts.
(NOC 0512)

  • Director of a ballet company and dance companies,
  • Manager of a book publication house,
  • Broadcasting manager,
  • Copyright and royalties manager in book publishing,
  • Executive producer of video games and visual effects
  • Manager of a multimedia department,
  • Radio station manager
  • Theatre company director, etc.
  • Estimate and prepare financial budgets in publishing, broadcasting, and theatre.
  • Plan and develop production schedules for films, theatre, book publishing, etc
  • Consult government authorities to ensure that the movies, books, drama, radio broadcast are in compliance with
  • legal regulations and guidelines.
  • Hire and oversee the staff, etc.
  • To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:
    • A university degree in communication, broadcasting, journalism, etc, or
    • College diploma in communication, broadcasting, journalism, etc.
    • Substantial amount of work experience within publishing houses, movie production or theatre industry.

Graphic Designers and Illustrators.
(NOC 5241)

  • 2D and 3D animator artists, animators and modelers,
  • Advertising artist, illustrator, and designer,
  • Advertising art director and supervisor,
  • Background artist,
  • Bank note designer,
  • Commercial designer,
  • Cover page illustrator,
  • Computer animator, etc. are included in BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • Graphic designer and illustrators make communicating information more interactive and user-friendly.
  • They create visual and graphic art to films, publications, posters, websites, etc.
  • They are either self-employed or are hired by communication and multimedia production departments.
  • To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:


    • University degree in visual arts with a specialisation in graphic design.
    • In case of medical and scientific illustrators, some training in biology, engineering, or architecture is required.

Support occupations in movies, theatre,
photography and radio.
(NOC 5227)

  • Focus Puller
  • Best boy
  • Camera Crane operator
  • Dolly pusher and operator
  • Fireworks handler
  • Flyman or woman
  • Lighting and costume assistant
  • Wardrobe assistant and attendant
  • Set builder and dresser, etc. are included in BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • They perform support duties in movies, drama, photography and radio.
  • They set-up and maintain and repair machinery and equipment used in movies, photography, radio and theatre.
  • Build and maintain props.
  • Clean and maintain costumes and assist the performers to dress in those costumes.
  • Assist producers and directors
  • Assemble and dismantle the sets
  • Distribute the scripts to everyone and keep a record of all important camera angles.

To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:


  • University degree in translation with specialisation in interpretation, terminology or translation in two languages. One of the included two languages must be either French or English. Or,
  • A university degree in related fields such as linguistics, philology, etc
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience as a full-time translator in two languages, one of which is either English or French.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience as a full-time translator in two languages, one of which is either English or French.
  • Certification by the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) might also be required.
  • Fluency in at least three languages if employed internationally
  • Membership in a provincial or territorial association of translators and sign language interpreters.

Translators and Interpreters
(NOC 5125)

  • ALS interpreter,
  • Certified interpreter, terminologist and translator.
  • Interpreters in a community, conference, and courts.
  • Interpreters for deaf
  • Translator of foreign news
  • Scientific translator
  • Legal terminologist and translator, etc.
  • Translate written documents such as reports, legal docs, textbooks, etc
  • They are also required to translate the content in a way that is closest to the original source in meaning and context.
  • Terminologists identify terminology and research on various queries during the preparation of glossaries, presentations, etc.
  • Guide and assist translators and technical writers during the preparation of the legal and scientific documents.
  • Translate written documents such as reports, legal docs, textbooks, etc
  • They are also required to translate the content in a way that is closest to the original source in meaning and context.
  • Terminologists identify terminology and research on various queries during the preparation of glossaries, presentations, etc.
  • Guide and assist translators and technical writers during the preparation of the legal and scientific documents.

(NOC 5122)

  • Editors of books, blogs, business, dictionaries, journals, magazines, newspapers, websites, etc.
  • Literary, local news, script, art editor
  • Associate editor,
  • Finance and Financial news editor
  • Sports and sports desk editor
  • Senior and sub-editor
    Manuscript and medical editor, etc.
  • Editors review, modify and rectify written content in blogs, manuscripts, websites, newspapers, etc.
  • They also structure the layout of the written content
  • Prepare materials for marketing and promotion.
  • Negotiate royalties and arrange for payment in case of freelancers.
  • Editors review, modify and rectify written content in blogs, manuscripts, websites, newspapers, etc.
  • They also structure the layout of the written content
  • Prepare materials for marketing and promotion.
  • Negotiate royalties and arrange for payment in case of freelancers.

Authors and Writers.
(NOC 5121)

  • Writers of advertisements, dialogues, essays, fiction, features, novels, manuals, scripts, short stories, serials,
  • television, etc.
  • Scientific writers
  • Lexicographers
  • Technical writers
  • Multimedia and new media writers
  • Publicity writers, etc.
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment.
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment.

NOCs included: 5224, 2221, 2241, 2242, 2243, 2281, 2282, and 2283.
Occupations included: Occupations included in BC PNP Tech Pilot program are Broadcast technicians, biological technologist and technicians, Electrical technicians, household and business technicians, Industrial equipment technicians, computer network technicians, and Information systems testing technicians.
NOC Skill- B

Occupations Designations Academic and Job prerequisites Job Descriptions and responsibilities

Managers in publishing, motion pictures,
broadcasting and performing arts.
(NOC 0512)

  • Director of a ballet company and dance companies,
  • Manager of a book publication house,
  • Broadcasting manager,
  • Copyright and royalties manager in book publishing,
  • Executive producer of video games and visual effects
  • Manager of a multimedia department,
  • Radio station manager
  • Theatre company director, etc.
  • Estimate and prepare financial budgets in publishing, broadcasting, and theatre.
  • Plan and develop production schedules for films, theatre, book publishing, etc
  • Consult government authorities to ensure that the movies, books, drama, radio broadcast are in compliance with
  • legal regulations and guidelines.
  • Hire and oversee the staff, etc.
  • To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:
    • A university degree in communication, broadcasting, journalism, etc, or
    • College diploma in communication, broadcasting, journalism, etc.
    • Substantial amount of work experience within publishing houses, movie production or theatre industry.

Graphic Designers and Illustrators.
(NOC 5241)

  • 2D and 3D animator artists, animators and modelers,
  • Advertising artist, illustrator, and designer,
  • Advertising art director and supervisor,
  • Background artist,
  • Bank note designer,
  • Commercial designer,
  • Cover page illustrator,
  • Computer animator, etc. are included in BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • Graphic designer and illustrators make communicating information more interactive and user-friendly.
  • They create visual and graphic art to films, publications, posters, websites, etc.
  • They are either self-employed or are hired by communication and multimedia production departments.
  • To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:


    • University degree in visual arts with a specialisation in graphic design.
    • In case of medical and scientific illustrators, some training in biology, engineering, or architecture is required.

Support occupations in movies, theatre,
photography and radio.
(NOC 5227)

  • Focus Puller
  • Best boy
  • Camera Crane operator
  • Dolly pusher and operator
  • Fireworks handler
  • Flyman or woman
  • Lighting and costume assistant
  • Wardrobe assistant and attendant
  • Set builder and dresser, etc. are included in BC PNP Tech Pilot program
  • They perform support duties in movies, drama, photography and radio.
  • They set-up and maintain and repair machinery and equipment used in movies, photography, radio and theatre.
  • Build and maintain props.
  • Clean and maintain costumes and assist the performers to dress in those costumes.
  • Assist producers and directors
  • Assemble and dismantle the sets
  • Distribute the scripts to everyone and keep a record of all important camera angles.

To be eligible for BC PNP Tech pilot program you need:


  • University degree in translation with specialisation in interpretation, terminology or translation in two languages. One of the included two languages must be either French or English. Or,
  • A university degree in related fields such as linguistics, philology, etc
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience as a full-time translator in two languages, one of which is either English or French.
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience as a full-time translator in two languages, one of which is either English or French.
  • Certification by the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) might also be required.
  • Fluency in at least three languages if employed internationally
  • Membership in a provincial or territorial association of translators and sign language interpreters.

Translators and Interpreters
(NOC 5125)

  • ALS interpreter,
  • Certified interpreter, terminologist and translator.
  • Interpreters in a community, conference, and courts.
  • Interpreters for deaf
  • Translator of foreign news
  • Scientific translator
  • Legal terminologist and translator, etc.
  • Translate written documents such as reports, legal docs, textbooks, etc
  • They are also required to translate the content in a way that is closest to the original source in meaning and context.
  • Terminologists identify terminology and research on various queries during the preparation of glossaries, presentations, etc.
  • Guide and assist translators and technical writers during the preparation of the legal and scientific documents.
  • Translate written documents such as reports, legal docs, textbooks, etc
  • They are also required to translate the content in a way that is closest to the original source in meaning and context.
  • Terminologists identify terminology and research on various queries during the preparation of glossaries, presentations, etc.
  • Guide and assist translators and technical writers during the preparation of the legal and scientific documents.

(NOC 5122)

  • Editors of books, blogs, business, dictionaries, journals, magazines, newspapers, websites, etc.
  • Literary, local news, script, art editor
  • Associate editor,
  • Finance and Financial news editor
  • Sports and sports desk editor
  • Senior and sub-editor
    Manuscript and medical editor, etc.
  • Editors review, modify and rectify written content in blogs, manuscripts, websites, newspapers, etc.
  • They also structure the layout of the written content
  • Prepare materials for marketing and promotion.
  • Negotiate royalties and arrange for payment in case of freelancers.
  • Editors review, modify and rectify written content in blogs, manuscripts, websites, newspapers, etc.
  • They also structure the layout of the written content
  • Prepare materials for marketing and promotion.
  • Negotiate royalties and arrange for payment in case of freelancers.

Authors and Writers.
(NOC 5121)

  • Writers of advertisements, dialogues, essays, fiction, features, novels, manuals, scripts, short stories, serials,
  • television, etc.
  • Scientific writers
  • Lexicographers
  • Technical writers
  • Multimedia and new media writers
  • Publicity writers, etc.
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment.
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment.

Authors and Writers.
(NOC 5121)

  • Writers of advertisements, dialogues, essays, fiction, features, novels, manuals, scripts, short stories, serials,
  • television, etc.
  • Scientific writers
  • Lexicographers
  • Technical writers
  • Multimedia and new media writers
  • Publicity writers, etc.
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment
  • Novelists, poets and similar creative writers create and write stories, scripts, poetry, drama etc.
  • Copywriters write for marketing, promotional and advertisement purposes.
  • Technical writers are employed to write user manuals and guides to provide clear guidance and troubleshooting in
  • installing, and operating various software, electrical and mechanical equipment.


NOCs included: 0131, 0213 are included in the occupation list of the BC PNP Tech Pilot Program
Occupations Included: Occupations eligible for BC PNP Tech Pilot program are Managers in Telecommunication carriers and Computer and information systems.

Occupations Designations Academic and Job prerequisites Job Descriptions and responsibilities

Managers in Telecommunication Carriers
(NOC 0131)

  • Superintendents in telecommunication Dial Plant
  • Managers in network installation, operations, services and traffic, etc.
  • Managers in telecommunication department, facilities, installation, etc.
  • Traffic Manager in cable systems and telephone systems
  • Control, assess, and plan the functioning of telecommunication facility.
  • Establish guidelines and policies regarding the operation of telecommunication services under the supervision of seniors
  • Hire and train personnel
  • Ascertain compliance with regulations and policies of the government.
  • A university degree in either science, electrical engineering or similar discipline.
  • Substantial work experience in related disciplines.

Computer and information systems

(NOC 0213)

  • Managers of software and systems development
  • Manager and development manager of computer applications
  • Manager of computer programs, projects, software designs, etc.
  • Managers of data processing
    IT development, implementation and integration manager, etc.
  • Contact clients regarding requirements, specifications, costs, and deadlines of computer systems.
  • Control and create the financial budget and expenditure of the project and department.
  • Supervise and direct teams to conduct designing, development, implementation and administration of computer software, networks and info systems.
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science, engineering or business administration.
  • A substantial work experience in data administration, software engineering, and other related fields.
Programmers And Analysts And Other Nocs

NOCs included: 6221, 2171, 2172, 2174 and 2175 included in the BC PNP Tech Pilot program
Occupations Included: 
BC PNP Tech Pilot program includes occupations such as Information system consultants and analysts, Database and data analysts and administrators, Programmers and interactive media developers, and Tech sales specialists in wholesale trade.
NOC Skill A – 2171, 2172, 2174 and 2175.
NOC Skill B- 6221
Below are some job titles valid under the BC PNP Tech Pilot program. This is not the complete list. In order to access all the job titles please visit https://noc.esdc.gc.ca/.

Occupations Designations Academic and Job prerequisites Job Descriptions and responsibilities

Tech sales specialist in wholesale trade

  • Aircraft sales representative and technical sales specialist.
  • Salesperson of abroad casting instrument
  • Sales representative of Chemicals
  • Technical wholesale sales representative of commercial and industrial equipment
  • Technical sales specialist in exports, imports and metals.
  • Computer business agent, equipment sales specialist, software and systems sales representative, etc
  • Sell a variety of technical, scientific, agricultural and industrial products, computer services to the government, industries, and domestic and commercial domains.
  • Maintain and attempt to increase the sale with clients.
  • Identify potential clients
  • Create sales proposals and pitches
  • Conduct financial predictions and estimations of installing and maintaining the goods, service and equipment provided.
  • A university degree or a diploma from college in the discipline of the service or the goods provided.
  • Prior work experience in either sales or in a technical occupation that is related to the service or the goods offered.
  • If the individual is employed with companies that deal with import and export of technical goods and services

Information system consultants and analysts.

(NOC 2171)

  • Software quality assurance analyst and auditor
  • System Integration analyst and consultant
  • Management Information System analyst and consultant
  • Software Quality Assurance analyst and auditor
  • Systems analyst and auditor
  • System security analyst and planner
  • System Integration analyst and consultant.
  • Consult with clients about their requirements and keep records.
  • System auditors conduct independent reviews to ensure the quality of the provided software services, products and information systems.
  • Analysts of system security minimise and control any security breaches by creating and implementing necessary policies and guidelines.
  • Compulsory bachelor’s degree in either computer science, or computer systems and software engineering, business administration, or other related academic discipline.
  • A prior experience as a computer programmer.
  • Training certification by software vendors might also be preferred by some recruiters.

Programmers and Interactive media developers.

(NOC 2174)

  • Animation and application programmer
  • Software developer and programmer, and development programmer,
  • Web and Teleprocessing software programmer
  • Scientific, and Satellite scientific telecommunications programmer
  • Developers of Personal Computer
    Multimedia developer and programmer
  • Graphical User Interface developer and designer.
  • E-commerce software developer
    Developers of Computer games, etc.
  • Computer programmers write, change and test software codes
  • They also maintain the existing computer programs by constantly modifying wherever required
  • Might co-ordinate and supervise a team of programmers
  • Interactive media developers are responsible for programming animation software as per the requirements and specifications of video games, mobile applications, etc.
  • A compulsory bachelor’s degree in computer science or any related discipline with substantial coding component. Academic program in computer science is also required.
  • If the individual aims to be recruited for engineering or scientific applications, he is required a specialised training and tertiary education of experience.

BC PNP Tech Pilot IELTS Requirements

The BC PNP Tech Pilot program is not a separate category. The immigrant must select an eligible Skills Immigration category and qualify all the common and exclusive mandatory conditions. Minimum BC PNP language requirements are CLB 4 if the NOC skill level is B, C, or D. However, if the NOC skill level is O or A, the applicant is exempted from any lingual prerequisite unless he wants to claim points in the BC PNP calculator. Hence, the minimum BC PNP Tech Pilot IELTS (International English Language Testing System) requirements translate to 3.5 points in reading, 4.0 in speaking, 4.0 in writing, and 4.5 in listening. This IELTS score amounts to CLB 4.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Requirements

Be eligible under BC PNP Skills Immigration stream

since the BC PNP Tech Pilot program is not a separate category, the immigrant must apply under an eligible Skills Immigration category. Once an applicable SI category is selected, the immigrant must register online in the BC PNP Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS). The BC PNP offers five pathways under SI: Skilled Worker, Health Authority, International Graduate, International post-graduate and Entry-level and semi-skilled workers.

Be in the BC PNP Tech Occupation list

It must be ensured that the NOC code belongs to the BC PNP Tech pilot occupation list discussed in the detail in section 2.

Meet common and specific BC PNP requirements

The BC PNP Tech Pilot program requirements will correspond to the eligibility criteria of the Skills Immigration category you have applied to. Additionally, the applicant must also meet all the BC PNP common requirements.

A valid Job offer

You must be recruited for a single job that is in the tech occupation list discussed in the article above. The job offer must at least be of one year or 365 days.
At the time of your BC PNP application, your one-year job offer must be at least 120 days away from expiration.

Be eligible under BC PNP Skills Immigration stream

since the BC PNP Tech Pilot program is not a separate category, the immigrant must apply under an eligible Skills Immigration category. Once an applicable SI category is selected, the immigrant must register online in the BC PNP Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS). The BC PNP offers five pathways under SI: Skilled Worker, Health Authority, International Graduate, International post-graduate and Entry-level and semi-skilled workers.

Be in the BC PNP Tech Occupation list

It must be ensured that the NOC code belongs to the BC PNP Tech pilot occupation list discussed in the detail in section 2.

Meet common and specific BC PNP requirements

The BC PNP Tech Pilot program requirements will correspond to the eligibility criteria of the Skills Immigration category you have applied to. Additionally, the applicant must also meet all the BC PNP common requirements.

British Columbia Immigration Through BC PNP Tech Pilot Program Summarized

Step 1
Create your BC PNP profile on BC PNP Online.

Step 2
 Register under an eligible Skills Immigration category and provide asked information.

Step 3
Rank by the SIRS BC PNP calculator.

Step 4
Enter the BC PNP registration pool.

Step 5
BC PNP Tech targeted draws are held.

Step 6
ITA issued to the highest-ranking applicants with Tech occupations.

Step 7
 Pay the application fee of CAD 1,150.

Step 8
Submit the complete BC PNP application within 30 days from the issue of ITA.

Step 9
Confirmation of Nomination.

Step 10
Apply to IRCC for Canada PR under the Provincial Nominee Program within 6 months from Confirmation of Nomination.

BC PNP Tech Pilot Draw : Current Developments

The BC PNP Tech Pilot draw was recently held on June 7th 2022. It issued ITAs to 125 immigrant applicants and had the cut off BC PNP score of 85. Prior to this, a general BC PNP draw, including the tech draws, was held on 31st May 2022. On June 14th 2022, a BC PNP general draw was also held that included tech draws. The next general or tech draw is likely to be held around June 21st 2022. With the world limping back from the devastating impact of the COVID pandemic, provincial demand for skilled immigrants in tech sectors is bound to increase exponentially. BC PNP Tech Pilot program is one of the most successful ways to immigrate to British Columbia.

Talent Connected Worldwide has an almost 100% success rate for immigration in the BC PNP Tech Pilot program. Being India’s only CICC/ICCRC accredited Canada Immigrant consultants, we make your British Columbia Immigration fool proof. From providing absolutely free personal IELTS training, to helping you pick the most advantageous NOC code for your occupation; making Canada immigration seamless and successful is our purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many PNP programs in Canada
80 different PNPs programs are in Canada.
What is the difference between BC Tech Pilot Program and BC PNP?
The main difference between BC PNP Tech Pilot and the OINP Tech Pilot is: The BC PNP targets 29 key tech occupations. The OINP Tech Draws, on the other hand, have a list of 6 eligible tech occupations.
How does the BC PNP Tech Pilot process work?

BC PNP work Process:

  • Foreign nationals should verify that they meet requirements of NOC code for one of the 29 In-Demands occupations.
  • After meeting the requirements candidates have to register a BC PNP online profile online.
  • Then candidate have to follow the application procedure for which they are eligible
  • Going through PNP, ITAs were issued on a weekly basis for the candidates. Second, candidates will have their PNP application processed at an expedited rate.
  • Finally the tech program to assist with the hiring of foreign nationals through this program.
How do I apply for the BC PNP Tech Pilot?
In order to apply for the BC PNP Tech program, a foreign national should verify that they meet the (NOC) code requirements for any of 29 in-demand occupations. If a person meets this requirement, then the person may initiate the application process by registering a profile with BC PNP Online.
Do I need a job offer for the BC PNP Tech Pilot?
Yes, you need a valid job offer for the BC PNP Tech Pilot program.
What is the eligibility criterion if I want to apply for the BC PNP tech pilot program?
Candidates must have a valid job offer for one of 29 selected In-Demand occupations.
Where can I find a job in B.C.’s tech sector?
The primary way to find jobs in Canada is from JOB BANK. You can find jobs in any other Secondary websites like Linkedin, Indeed, etc.
What is the processing time for a BC PNP Tech Pilot program candidate, specifically after submitting the application?
There is no specific time for processing timing for a BC PNP Tech Pilot program.
For Canadian immigration, is it good to use BC PNP Tech Pilot instead of other programs? Why?
Yes. It is good to use the BC PNP tech Pilot Program, however in order to apply for this stream you have to get an approval for that, a valid job offer from any employer in British Columbia.
What are the benefits of being a part of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) tech pilot?
The benefits of being a part of the british Columbia are: It does not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment It provides work permit support letters for nominees It provides support through Email and Phone until Permanent Residence.
What is the possibility to immigrate to Canada via BC/Ontario Tech Pilot Program (PNP) with a CRS score of 390?
You need to see the all provinces instructions on their websites to see the possibilities to immigrate to Canada.